
lean plus six-sigma not lean six-sigma

Keep it simple!

Metrology is a complex subject, however applying a lean mindset to the whole subject gives us this:

Weather stone

Condition Forecast
Stone is wet Rain
Stone is dry Not raining
Shadow on ground Sunny
White on top Snowing
Can’t see stone Foggy
Swinging stone Windy
Stone jumping up and down Earthquake
Stone gone Tornado

It’s rather like the urban legend:

During the space race back in the 1960’s, NASA was faced with a major problem. The astronaut needed a pen that would write in the vacuum of space. NASA went to work. At a cost of $1.5 million they developed the “Astronaut Pen”. Some of you may remember. It enjoyed minor success on the commercial market.

The Russians were faced with the same dilemma.

They used a pencil.

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June 1, 2007 - Posted by | Lean Manufacturing

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