
lean plus six-sigma not lean six-sigma

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Othello - supposed to represent strategic thought?As Kevin points out over at Evolving Excellence

It may just be me, but it appears that the number of companies citing lean manufacturing in their financial reports, news releases, and general news articles has been increasing. Of course many of them really have no idea what lean is really about, or perhaps they only understand the waste reduction pillar without even knowing about respect for people. Lean is apparently becoming a requirement, or even an analogy, for success.

Well it’s not just private companies who are adopting “lean”, even the military are using it as well! Perhaps all firms need to understand lean from a strategic perspective and not just focus on the tools involved? , is to answer the questions:

  • What is good for society?
  • What is a problem we can solve with our core skills?
  • How can we make money doing this?
  • How will we answer these questions 10, 20, 50 and 100 years from now?

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May 26, 2007 - Posted by | Lean Manufacturing, News, Six Sigma

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