
lean plus six-sigma not lean six-sigma

How to Select a Six Sigma Black Belt

When looking at a Black Belt candidate, a holistic approach is often best. This recognizes that an individual’s diversity, not simply his or her technical skills, can help create a powerful team. Focusing on only one attribute can create an imbalance that could hinder personal development. Depending on your organization’s circumstances, you might want to bring in individuals who exhibit strength in more than one area. The intent is to create a balance. If an individual has one strong aspect, then the development of weaker aspects should be encouraged.

It’s often asked if there are differences between a Black Belt from a manufacturing background and one from a transactional organization. There doesn’t need to be if the candidate is process-oriented. The biggest transition that many manufacturing candidates must make is recognizing that transactional organizations have fewer documented processes, and that most of their data tend to be discrete. Such a candidate must have strong skills in discrete data analysis. The other primary difference is that many transactional organizations tend to have a relationship orientation rather than a project orientation, and the cultural aspect tends to be more important in the hiring process.

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August 24, 2006 - Posted by | Guides, Six Sigma

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