
lean plus six-sigma not lean six-sigma

7 Deadly Sins of Six Sigma

Does Six Sigma guarantee business success?

Of course not.

Like any other quality strategy, it’s not an off-the-shelf total solution it all depends upon how you implement it. With proper Black Belt training, personnel discover how all the tools of Six Sigma can be linked together for effective project resolution.

However, if you view Six Sigma as simply the next step in a string of never-ending, limited-time quality initiatives, you’ll be facing an uphill battle. So what are the seven deadly sins of Six Sigma or in other words, what should you avoid if you are looking for successful Six Sigma implementation:

  1. Not building an effective Six Sigma implementation strategy
  2. Trying to implement a one-size-fits all metric within Six Sigma (Organizations should choose the best metric for each project situation.)
  3. Trying to “go it alone,” using their own training material when implementing Six Sigma
  4. Having weak, uncommitted leadership
  5. Failing to recognize the need for a supporting infrastructure
  6. Not committing Black Belts 100 percent of the time
  7. Pursuing poorly defined projects that are too broad in scope

Do you recognise any of these in your company? If so what do you plan to do about them? Care to add some more items to this list?

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August 21, 2006 - Posted by | Guides, Six Sigma

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